Modifikation eines Calc Makros - Bitte um Hilfe!

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Modifikation eines Calc Makros - Bitte um Hilfe!

Beitrag von gerry1 »

Hallo !

Hier wurde ein Calc Makro veröffentlicht, mit dem man einen Begriff x in einer Calc-Tabelle suchen kann und das dann alle Fundzeilen in Blatt x des aktiven Sheets schreibt.

Ich möchte dieses Makro so abändern, dass die Ausgabe nicht in ein neues Sheet (Blatt) DERSELBEN Calc-Tabelle schreibt, sondern in Blatt x eines NEUEN Calc-Dokumentes.
(Grund: Das veröffentlichte Makro funktioniert zwar gut, aber ich will das Blatt mit den Suchergebnissen hinterher löschen und nicht unbeabsichtigt ein falsches Blatt dieses aktiven Dokumentes.)

Folgendermaßen habe ich das Makro abgeändert - und jeweils die ersetzten Zeilen des Makros auskommentiert (s. Code unten).
Im neuen Calc-Dokument wird zwar das Blatt für die gefundenen Ergebnisse erzeugt, jedoch bleibt das Blatt leer :-(

Könnte bitte jemand mit besseren Skills als ich, mal checken, warum nichts ins neue Blatt geschrieben wird ?

Vielen Dank !

Hier der Makro-Code:

Code: Alles auswählen

sub FindeStringKopiereFundzeile
	oCalc = ThisComponent
	oSheet = oCalc.CurrentSelection.Spreadsheet 
	Dim oDialog as object
	Dim iDlgOK as integer
	Dim oTargetFile As Object '--
    Dim oTargetSheet As Object '--
    Dim sFilePath As String '--
    ' Set the file path
    sFilePath = "file:///C:/Users/GHL/Downloads/TargetFile.ods" '--
    ' Open the target file
    oTargetFile = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sFilePath, "_blank", 0, Array()) '--
	DialogLibraries.loadLibrary( "Standard") 
	oDialogLib = DialogLibraries.getByName("Standard")
	oDialog = CreateUnoDialog(oDialogLib.getByName("Dialog1"))
	iDlgOK = oDialog.Execute() 
	if iDlgOK = 1 then 
		bHL = oDialog.Model.CheckBox1.state
		Sel = oDialog.Model.CheckBox2.state
		myString = oDialog.GetControl("TextField1").Text
	end if
	if Len(myString) = 0  then 	exit sub
	mAllText = split(myString,";")
	for i=0 to uBound(mAllText)
		result = FindeAlle( mAllText(i), Sel)
		if result(0) = "-"  then
			mAllText(i) = mAllText(i) & " - nicht gefunden, keine weitere Aktion" 
			goto jumpover
			newTable = mAllText(i)
			'do while oCalc.Sheets.hasByName(newTable) 
			do while oTargetFile.Sheets.hasByName(newTable)
				ix = ix+1
				newTable = mAllText(i) & "(" & ix &")"
				'if oCalc.Sheets.count > 255 then 
				if oTargetFile.Sheets.count > 255 then
					msgbox "zu viele Tabellenblätter"
					exit sub
			'oCalc.Sheets.insertByName(newTable, sheet)
			TargetSheet = oTargetFile.createinstance("")
			oTargetFile.Sheets.insertByName(newTable, TargetSheet)
		if bHL = 1 then
			'oSheet2 = oCalc.Sheets.getByName(newTable)
			oSheet2 = oTargetFile.Sheets.getByName(newTable)
			oSourceRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0,0,1023,0)
			oSourceRangeAddresse = oSourceRange.getRangeAddress
			oTarget = oSheet2.getCellByPosition(0,0)
			oTargetCellAdresse = oTarget.getCellAddress
		end if
		for iR = 0 to uBound(result)
			'oSheet2 = oCalc.Sheets.getByName(newTable)
			oSheet2 = oTargetFile.Sheets.getByName(newTable)
			oSourceRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0,result(ir),1023,result(iR))
			oSourceRangeAddresse = oSourceRange.getRangeAddress
			oTarget = oSheet2.getCellByPosition(0,iR+1)
			oTargetCellAdresse = oTarget.getCellAddress
			oSheet2.Columns.OptimalWidth = True
end sub 


function FindeAlle (sText$, iSel )
SFlag = 71696

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem define variables
dim document   as object
dim dispatcher as object
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem get access to the document
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")

if iSel = 0 then 
	SFlag = 65552

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	dim args1(0) as new
	args1(0).Name = "Sel"
	args1(0).Value = false

	dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoToStart", "", 0, args1())

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim args2(17) as new
args2(0).Name = "SearchItem.StyleFamily"
args2(0).Value = 2
args2(1).Name = "SearchItem.CellType"
args2(1).Value = 0
args2(2).Name = "SearchItem.RowDirection"
args2(2).Value = true
args2(3).Name = "SearchItem.AllTables"
args2(3).Value = false
args2(4).Name = "SearchItem.Backward"
args2(4).Value = false
args2(5).Name = "SearchItem.Pattern"
args2(5).Value = false
args2(6).Name = "SearchItem.Content"
args2(6).Value = false
args2(7).Name = "SearchItem.AsianOptions"
args2(7).Value = false
args2(8).Name = "SearchItem.AlgorithmType"
args2(8).Value = 0
args2(9).Name = "SearchItem.SearchFlags"
args2(9).Value = SFlag '71696 ' 65552 '
args2(10).Name = "SearchItem.SearchString"
args2(10).Value = sText
args2(11).Name = "SearchItem.ReplaceString"
args2(11).Value = ""
args2(12).Name = "SearchItem.Locale"
args2(12).Value = 255
args2(13).Name = "SearchItem.ChangedChars"
args2(13).Value = 2
args2(14).Name = "SearchItem.DeletedChars"
args2(14).Value = 2
args2(15).Name = "SearchItem.InsertedChars"
args2(15).Value = 2
args2(16).Name = "SearchItem.TransliterateFlags"
args2(16).Value = 1024
args2(17).Name = "SearchItem.Command"
args2(17).Value = 1

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:ExecuteSearch", "", 0, args2())

oCalc = thisComponent
Selected = oCalc.CurrentSelection

	if Selected.supportsService("" ) then 
		dim eRow(0)
		eRow(0) = Selected.CellAddress.Row
		if Selected.String = sText then
			FindeAlle = eRow()
			eRow(0) = "-"
			FindeAlle = eRow()
	end if

	if Selected.supportsService("" ) then 
		nR = uBound(Selected.RangeAddresses()) 
		dim xRows(nR) as String
		for i=0 to nR
			xRows(i) = Selected.rangeAddresses(i).StartRow 
		FindeAlle = xRows()
	end if

end function

sub FindeAlleSelection
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem define variables
dim document   as object
dim dispatcher as object
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem get access to the document
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim args1(17) as new
args1(0).Name = "SearchItem.StyleFamily"
args1(0).Value = 2
args1(1).Name = "SearchItem.CellType"
args1(1).Value = 0
args1(2).Name = "SearchItem.RowDirection"
args1(2).Value = true
args1(3).Name = "SearchItem.AllTables"
args1(3).Value = false
args1(4).Name = "SearchItem.Backward"
args1(4).Value = false
args1(5).Name = "SearchItem.Pattern"
args1(5).Value = false
args1(6).Name = "SearchItem.Content"
args1(6).Value = false
args1(7).Name = "SearchItem.AsianOptions"
args1(7).Value = false
args1(8).Name = "SearchItem.AlgorithmType"
args1(8).Value = 0
args1(9).Name = "SearchItem.SearchFlags"
args1(9).Value = 71696
args1(10).Name = "SearchItem.SearchString"
args1(10).Value = "Frank"
args1(11).Name = "SearchItem.ReplaceString"
args1(11).Value = ""
args1(12).Name = "SearchItem.Locale"
args1(12).Value = 255
args1(13).Name = "SearchItem.ChangedChars"
args1(13).Value = 2
args1(14).Name = "SearchItem.DeletedChars"
args1(14).Value = 2
args1(15).Name = "SearchItem.InsertedChars"
args1(15).Value = 2
args1(16).Name = "SearchItem.TransliterateFlags"
args1(16).Value = 1280
args1(17).Name = "SearchItem.Command"
args1(17).Value = 1

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:ExecuteSearch", "", 0, args1())

end sub